A Fatal Miss Stake
(written by David Pulver; converted to Old-School Essentials by Gaming Ballistic)
You are Belladonna, the young maid and cook at Castle Ironskull — who moonlights as a vampire slayer!
Years ago, the sinister Lord Adrik Blackbird turned your best friend into a vampire. For their own good, you staked them both! Their contagious legacy will plague the local countryside unless you hunt down their horrid spawn!
Uncover disturbing rumors of the rise of a new and terrifying master vampire, and the arcane relic they seek.
Can you find it first?
Play through 32 fang-filled pages as the lethal maid Belladonna, or as your own vampire-slaying hero or wizard, hunting vampires and more.
A Fatal Miss Stake
(written by David Pulver; converted to Old-School Essentials by Gaming Ballistic)
You are Belladonna, the young maid and cook at Castle Ironskull — who moonlights as a vampire slayer!
Years ago, the sinister Lord Adrik Blackbird turned your best friend into a vampire. For their own good, you staked them both! Their contagious legacy will plague the local countryside unless you hunt down their horrid