Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)
Warlock Knight (DFRPG)

Warlock Knight (DFRPG)

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The Warlock Kingdoms—Karnathia, Renambria, Tarnathia, Vixengard, and Margolosia—are bloodstained realms ruled by feuding dynasties of sorcerer kings. Your parents were once knights of the Warlock Kingdoms, only to be disgraced and driven into exile.

Though raised in foreign lands, you were brought up learning the vows they swore as Warlock Knights to defend the weak and destroy the wicked! After long years away from their homeland, three young knights seek fortune and glory in a dark fantasy realm of haunted forests, swamps, witches, sinister cults, and sorcerer-kings—the Warlock Kingdoms of Sedra!

Battle strange monsters in the wild, explore labyrinths, face danger on the high seas, and meet brave companions on the road in this epic sandbox adventure for one to three players.

Warlock Knight is a programmed solitaire adventure for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, Powered by GURPS. It is designed to serve as an introductory adventure, with characters starting at 150 points and growing through the adventure to approach the usual starting 250 points as presented in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Box SetWarlock Knight can be played with or without a GM, and is extendable into an ongoing campaign.

Warlock Knight comes as a two-volume book. In PDF form, it is a single file to allow hyperlinks and internal references to function. As a print volume, it is TWO softcover, saddle-stitched books each of 56 pages in length!

Branched Path, Programmed, or Solo Adventures

If you are familiar with the Choose Your Own Adventure stories, released by Bantam Books between 1979-1998, as well as the GURPS First Edition (and through Third Edition, I think!) solo All in a Night's Work, featuring Dai Blackthorn. Warlock Knight - like its predecessor Saethor's Bane - has a similar structure.

You won't need a GM - you follow the branching pathways as you make choices. If these choices lead to violence, resolve conflict using the Dungeon Fantasy RPG rules.

You can still use a GM! This "solo" adventure follows the path of three characters with noble ancestry somewhere in their past who have returned to Sedra to claim their rightful place as knights of one of the Warlock Kingdoms. One person can play all the roles, or several can play through the scenario, dividing roles as needed.

Use Warlock Knight to:

  • Keep gaming when you can't get together with your usual group
  • Learn the Dungeon Fantasy RPG game rules at your own pace
  • Run players through a scenario with near-zero prep - they can experience roleplaying within moments of sitting around a table. Great for bringing in new players, or even stress-free convention play.

ISBN: 978-1-965038-00-0
Page Count: 112
Base Game: Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS)

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