The Citadel at Nordvorn
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The Citadel at Norðvörn is a setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It consists of three major settlements, many small villages, at least one ruin, and vast, monster-filled wildernesses. As much trouble as any party of would-be heroes could wish.
What's in the Book?
Norðvörn. Details the key locations in the city, from the Keep to Laegribaer – the lower town. The book describes the local geography, key natural resources that are important to trade and commerce, local landmarks, a detailed city map, and of course details on law, guilds, religion, and things to buy and sell. Excellent tools to introduce a new group of players to the city and culture.
Löngbrú. More than any other settlement in the book, Longbru is the area best set up as a staging point and clearinghouse for adventure and treasure. It has everything required for a good start to killing monsters and taking their stuff.
Áinferill. A town in crisis. Discover a chain of events that could consume the entire region.
Other Villages. The space between the larger settlements is not empty. The book details several sample villages, and a create-your-own village generator adds variety to the game!
Supporting Cast. From minor wardens to powerful nobles and influential clerics, The Citadel at Norðvörn has you covered.
Bestiary. A short list of important creatures to be fought and dealt with, including details on the the minor dragonkin: eðlufolk and gangaeðla.
Factions and Encounter Seeds. The Citadel at Norðvörn details the goals and motivations, methods and tactics for NPCs: each can want something, and the GM will know what they're willing to do to get it.
From big to small, grand plots and random encounters in the forest, the book provides a detailed relationship map so that the GM will know who reacts to each string, and why.
ISBN: 978-1-950368-01-3
Page Count: 128
Base Game: Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS)